Dancing Toward My Future

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Kaylin Sheppard
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As a child and into my teen years I was very shy. When I was eight years old I started ballet. I joined a pre-professional ballet company in Houston where I had the opportunity to move up in the company line and later mentored younger dancers. Ballet helped me come out of my shell when speaking to adults and performing in front of hundreds of people. Ballet is what made me into the person I am today.

Valuable Life Lessons

Learning how to take constructive criticism from my dancing instructors helped me focus on improving my technique instead of feeling defeated. I also learned how to communicate effectively with adults and my fellow counterparts. Additionally, ballet allowed me to learn how to manage my schedule. When I joined the senior company, I would dance more than 20 hours a week, participating in about ten performances a year. At the same time, I had school commitments along with church and family commitments every week. Ballet was a part of my life for ten years and those ten years were filled with good times and hard times.

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