Learning Makes Us Webinar Series: Active Learning in General Chemistry

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In his courses last year, due to the conclusive data on the benefits of active learning, and because of the new digital tools we now have available, Niva implemented a before, during, and after strategy for his students. The idea is simple: Engage students in active learning before lecture, during lecture, and after lecture. To that end, Niva assigns a Key Concept Video before each lecture. This video introduces the student to the key concept and gets them thinking about it before they come to class. During class, Niva expands on the concept and uses Learning Catalytics to question his students in class. Instead of passively listening to a lecture, they are interacting with the concept through questions that he poses to them. Some of these questions they answer individually; for others they pair up with a partner. This has changed his classroom. Students are engaged in the material: they have to think and process and interact. It is incredibly fun for Niva to see his students so engaged. Then, after class, he gives them another assignment, often an Interactive Worked Example with a follow-up question. Now they have to apply what they have learned to solve a problem. The results have been spectacular. His students are enjoying the process and learning more than ever because they are engaged throughout, rather than just engaging the night before a problem set is due


In his courses last year, due to the conclusive data on the benefits of active learning, and because of the new digital tools we now have available, Niva implemented a before, during, and after strategy for his students. The idea is simple: Engage students in active learning before lecture, during lecture, and after lecture. To that end, Niva assigns a Key Concept Video before each lecture. This video introduces the student to the key concept and gets them thinking about it before they come to class. During class, Niva expands on the concept and uses Learning Catalytics to question his students in class. Instead of passively listening to a lecture, they are interacting with the concept through questions that he poses to them. Some of these questions they answer individually; for others they pair up with a partner. This has changed his classroom. Students are engaged in the material: they have to think and process and interact. It is incredibly fun for Niva to see his students so engaged. Then, after class, he gives them another assignment, often an Interactive Worked Example with a follow-up question. Now they have to apply what they have learned to solve a problem. The results have been spectacular. His students are enjoying the process and learning more than ever because they are engaged throughout, rather than just engaging the night before a problem set is due.


Dr. Niva Tro, Westmont College


